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7 Questions to ask before you get lip fillers

Lip fillers are a wonderful way of enhancing your natural beauty by plumping and defining your lips. But, as with all aesthetic treatments, there are some things you should consider before you take the plunge.

These are the 7 questions we suggest you ask before you have lip enhancement treatment.

1. Are lip fillers right for me?

A good lip filler treatment should enhance the natural shape of your lips and add a youthful fullness. It’s popular among patients who have naturally thin or uneven lips, whose lips have thinned with age and those who have fine lines around their lips due to smoking.

What lip fillers shouldn’t do is make you look like your favourite celebrity. Be wary of any clinic offering this. They should give you better shaped and proportioned lips, but you should still look like you!

Reputable clinics will always offer you a free consultation before any procedure, so take advantage of this to discuss the outcome you’re looking for and whether lip fillers will achieve this for you.

2. Do I have any medical conditions which would prevent me having treatment?

We will not offer you lip fillers if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

If you have an infection on or around your lips, such as a cold sore, you shouldn’t have lip fillers until it has completely healed.

If any of the following apply to you then you should speak to the practitioner in advance of your appointment:

  • You have diabetes.
  • You have lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus) or any other autoimmune disease.
  • You have any problem related to your blood clotting, such as haemophilia, or are taking any blood-thinning medication.

It’s also important to inform your specialist if you have any allergies and about any medication you are taking.

3. What type of fillers should I have?

There’s quite a variety of dermal fillers which can be used for your lips.

The most popular, and the one we use at Melior Clinics, is a form of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance found in your skin and elsewhere in your body. It has an important role in skin hydration, which is what makes it such a key part of so many skin care treatments these days. Hyaluronic acid lip fillers should last for between nine and twelve months.

Collagen lip filler injections were common in the past, however the effects of this treatment don’t last as long as hyaluronic acid (only three to four months), so their popularity has waned.

There are also more long term types of lip fillers, the effects of which can last for over 18 months, or even permanently. However we recommend avoiding these as they carry higher risks of side effects… and disappointment!

4. How much will it cost?

Lip filler treatment from a reputable practitioner will generally cost from around £375. The price can vary considerably depending on the amount of filler to be used and the desired results.

Clinics which charge less than £375 might seem like a bargain, but you need to make sure that the service you receive is as high quality as a more expensive practitioner – otherwise your looks, and possibly even your health, may be at risk. The next two questions should help you assess the clinic and see whether they really are too good to be true.

5. How qualified and experienced should the specialist be?

While the lip filler procedure is generally considered very safe, this assumes that it’s delivered by a suitably trained practitioner.

Currently there is no legislation in the UK to control who can administer lip fillers. However it’s generally accepted by the industry that they should only be given by medical professionals, such as doctors and nurses, who have been specifically trained in this type of procedure. Don’t be afraid to ask about the qualifications and experience of your practitioner, a reputable clinic will be more than happy to share this information.

At Melior Clinics all treatments are administered by appropriately trained and experienced doctors and nurses. Find out more about our team.

When you arrive for your consultation you should also check that the clinic is clean and feels safe. If you get there and feel unsure or uncomfortable then you should leave.

6. What aftercare is offered?

Before you have your treatment you should ask what aftercare is offered and what support is provided should something go wrong. A reputable practitioner will have no problem discussing this with you – beware of the so called ‘specialist’ who tells you not to worry because nothing ever goes wrong!

At Melior Clinics we offer a free review and top up two or three weeks post treatment, so we can assess the results and fine tune if required.

7. What am I doing the week after treatment?

Your lip filler treatment should only take around 30 to 45 minutes and most patients find they can go about their day normally afterwards. You should notice an improvement in your appearance as soon as the treatment is completed.

For 24 hours after treatment you shouldn’t wear lipstick or put anything else on your lips. It’s also a good idea to avoid hot drinks, alcohol and excessive sun exposure. Gently applying a cold compress to your lips can help to minimise swelling.

You will probably experience some bruising, swelling and tenderness around the lips for up to ten days after the treatment, which is completely normal. So if you’re having lip fillers ready for a big event, make sure you have the treatment at least two weeks beforehand!

Ready for luscious lips?

If you’re looking for lip fillers to enhance your natural beauty, then we offer this service at our London Harley Street, Huntingdon, RichmondReading, Sevenoaks and Peterborough clinics.

Book in for a free consultation with one of our experts today to discuss the results you’d like to achieve.