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How to improve sun damaged skin

Now the summer’s over, are you paying the price for a bit too much sun?

Sun damage causes flat areas of darker pigmentation to appear on your skin. These are often called ‘age spots’ or ‘iver spots’ but, since they are caused by sun exposure, ‘sun spots’ would be a better epithet.

Excessive or darkened freckles, and crepey, dehydrated skin are other indications of damage from prolonged sun exposure.

We offer treatments to help undo the damage.

What is sun damage?

When UV radiation from the sun hits your skin it damages the cells in your epidermis. This causes your body to produce more melanin (a natural pigment) as a defence against further harm. This is what gives you a suntan – so a tan is not a sign of health and vitality, it’s a sign of damaged skin.

Over time this can lead to increased freckles and permanent areas of darker pigmentation on the skin, which may fade in the winter or be present year-round.

Exposure to these damaging UV rays is also the most common cause of skin cancer.

Find out more about how the sun damages your skin.

When to see your GP

While the visual signs of sun damage might be considered nothing more than a nuisance, the possible changes within your skin caused by UV radiation can be far more serious. It can cause raised, rough patches (Actinic keratoses) and can lead to skin cancer.

The NHS advises that you should see your GP if:

you have any skin abnormality, such as a lump, ulcer, lesion or skin discolouration that has not healed after 4 weeks. While it’s unlikely to be skin cancer, it’s best to be sure.

Our treatments for sun damage

We offer a number of approaches to target areas of sun damage in your skin.

Some of these treatments have the additonal benefits of improving the overall condition of your skin, and addressing the signs of ageing.

Laser pigmentation removal

If you have areas of darker pigmentation due to sun damage, including sun spots, our state-of-the-art laser resurfacing system can be used to target these areas.

Through a process called ‘photo-rejuvenation’, the laser light penetrates the damaged part of the skin to trigger your body’s natural healing processes.

The laser treatment will quickly reduce the visible signs of sun damage and, with repeated treatments, may remove it altogether. However, it isn’t always a permanent solution and the pigmented areas may return.

Find out more.


During a professional peel, specially formulated natural acids are applied to the skin to deeply exfoliate and significantly improve skin texture.

Peels are an effective way of minimising areas of sun damage.

After the treatment your skin will look and feel rejuvenated with a smoother and healthier appearance.

Find out more.

Skin boosters

Skin boosters are an injectable treatment containing hyaluronic acid.

This naturally occurring chemical retains water in the skin to support collagen and elastin.

Skin boosters help to reduce the effects of sun damage, and the ageing process, by deeply hydrating your skin and improving its overall texture.

Find out more.

Fractional mesotherapy

This treatment delivers essential nutrients directly into the problem areas of your skin using microneedles.

The blend of ingredients is tailored to your skin type and the results you are seeking.

Fractional mesotherapy can be effective in reducing the appearance of sun spots, particularly when used alongside topical skin care products that we can recommend for you.

Find out more.

Skin care products

We are official distributors of some of the world’s leading cosmeceutical products, which differ from purely cosmetic products. These products deliver pharmaceutical-grade benefits for the skin, as they work at a cellular level.

By helping to repair damaged skin, these products can help to correct and improve the signs of sun damage and address pigmentation issues.

Before and after treatment for sun damaged skin with Obagi.
This patient had treatment with Obagi skin care to reduce the pigmentation on her forehead caused by sun damage.

Our practitioner will recommend the most appropriate skin care products and regime for your individual skin type and desired outcome.

Find out more.

Skin care consultation

At a skin consultation, we will assess and discuss your specific skincare requirements and concerns.

These may include sun damage, pigmentation issues or skin ageing for example.

You will receive a personalised skincare recommendation, which could include prescription skincare products, a home-based routine, or clinical treatments.

Find out more.

Prevention is better than cure

There are steps you can take to help avoid further sun damage.

Read our blog about how to protect yourself from damaging UV rays – this advice is relevant on sunny days at any time of year, not just in the summer.

Find out which sun damage treatment will work for you

We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your needs, so our experts can advise on the best approach.

To find out more about addressing sun damage or any other skincare concerns you may have, you can book online, call us or email