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Profhilo patient story

We chatted to one of our patients, Sam, after her first Profhilo treatments to find out what the experience was like and the effect it’s had.

Hi, Sam. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m in my mid 40s and the mother to a very active 4 year old. I run a business with my husband working from home – which is great in a lot of ways but does lead to long hours and not enough down time.

While I do take care of my skin and enjoy the odd facial, I’ve never explored treatments like Profhilo before.

Why did you choose to have Profhilo?

I’ve never been particularly focussed on my appearance and am generally happy with how I look. But as I’ve got older (and gained a more stressful life!) I’ve realised that my complexion has started to look duller and, overall, I just looked a bit tired.

So, rather than changing anything specific about how I look, I just wanted to look like I’d had a really good night’s sleep!!

You had your first treatment in July, how was it?

This is the first time I’ve had anything injected into my face, so I was a bit apprehensive. But Lauren was lovely and really put me at ease. We discussed my medical history and what I was hoping to achieve.

Lauren sees patients at our London Harley Street and Sevenoaks clinics.

Then Lauren explained what the treatment would be like and gave me some aftercare advice. She offered me a skin numbing cream, but I decided to be brave and try it without. Then it was onto the couch and out with the needles!

The first few injections were OK, then we came to the ones near my nose and chin, which Lauren had explained would sting a bit more due to all the nerve endings there. She was right!

Lauren then moved onto the left of my face which was a little more painful and she explained that often people find that the opposite side to the side they write with can hurt more. Again, she was right!

However, the stinging only lasted a short while with each injection and really wasn’t too painful, so I didn’t feel I’d made a bad decision not to have the skin numbing first.

The treatment lasted just five minutes. The stinging sensation was gone pretty quickly after each injection and all I was left with were small bumps where the ten injections (five on each side) had been done. Lauren reassured me that they’d settle down in a day or so as the hyaluronic acid spread out. Not surprisingly, she was right again!

Did you notice results from the first treatment?

Maybe a little bit. The texture of my skin felt smoother and I thought there might be a little more plumpness, so I looked a bit less ‘drawn’. But I didn’t see any major improvement after the first treatment.

You came back for your second treatment a month later, how was it?

It was OK, though I’m not going to say it was painless!

Lauren greeted me warmly again and we had a brief chat to check that none of my medical history had changed since our previous appointment. Lauren also checked on how I felt the results had gone and whether the bumps had settled down OK.

The second round of injections were maybe a little easier than the first time and the stinging sensation, while still there, didn’t last as long after each one.

The bumps from the injections were much less prominent this time. Lauren explained that this was a good indication that the first round had helped to hydrate the skin, making it more ready to accept the next batch of Profhilo.

While less ‘bumpy’ this time, I did have a little soreness again from a couple of the injections, but this had gone completely within a couple of days.

We’re now a month after your second treatment, what results have you noticed?

I had my first big result about a week after my second treatment. I went out for dinner with friends. It had been a really stressful day and I wasn’t feeling my best. Despite that, one of my friends remarked on how fresh and healthy I was looking!

It must have been the Profhilo, because it certainly wasn’t anything else that day! It was a great end to a bad day.

I haven’t seen a dramatic, overnight change in my appearance following the Profhilo treatment. What I have seen is a gradual improvement in my skin texture and how much less tired I look.

Thanks to Profhilo I feel that my face looks refreshed and, yes, younger-looking too! This is definitely a treatment I’ll be coming back for more of.

Want to try Profhilo for yourself?

Sam had her Profhilo treatment with Lauren at our Sevenoaks clinic.

It’s also available at our London Harley Street, Huntingdon and Peterborough clinics. All our clinics are Save Face accredited.

To book your appointment call our team on 0330 024 1300 or complete a booking form online.

Or discover more about Profhilo in our Ultimate Guide to Profhilo.