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Thinking about a peel? There’s no better time of year

Autumn and winter are a great time of year to take stock of our skin, to ensure it’s well cared for during the cold and drying weather.

By taking the time to cater for our skin at this time of year, we not only ensure we keep a winter glow on the outside, we can make sure that, come the spring and summer, it’s in the best condition possible.

Winter skin priorities

As the colder months approach, this can lead to lacklustre skin. The dead skin cells that sit on top on top of our skin can cause a dullness to the complexion and also prevent full absorption of much needed moisture.

Exfoliation is a key part of skin health at this time of year to enable skin to renew and let natural radiance come through.

Hydration is hugely important to protect skin, especially in the autumn and winter. Exfoliation supports the hydration by ensuring that nourishing moisture applied to the skin can be more readily absorbed.

Why are autumn and winter a good time of year for a peel?

Autumn is the perfect time of year to book in for your first skin peel. Starting the peel treatment in autumn is ideal because there is far less sunshine, which needs to be avoided in the days after the peel.

Each treatment is about one month apart, giving plenty of time to complete your first course of treatment when sun strength is at its lowest, and allowing the full benefits to come to fruition in time for spring.

How does a peel treatment work?

Peels works through specially formulated natural acids being applied to the skin. These deeply exfoliate the skin to give a rejuvenated appearance.

What are the benefits of a peel?

A skin peel provides a unique, deep exfoliation of your skin to stimulate long-term improvement in skin health and youthfulness.

Skin peels can achieve a number of benefits depending on the specific needs of the individual. They can smooth lines, reduce blemishes and improve skin texture. The result is skin which looks brighter and healthier.

We can also use peels to target areas of mild to moderate hyperpigmentation to even out skin tone.

Peels are also an excellent way to calm and control acne.

We offer three different peel treatments:

ZO Ossential Red Carpet Peel

This is a very gentle peel, which exfoliates skin to instantly reveal a smoother and brighter complexion. Because this peel is more superficial, it is an ideal treatment to prepare for a special event or perhaps, Christmas party!

Obagi Blue Peel Radiance

This is medium-depth peel, which gives skin a firmer, smoother and rejuvenated appearance.

ZO 3 Step Peel

This is a deeper peel, to more intensely exfoliate the skin and achieve long-lasting results.

Because this peel is deeper, it stimulates a long-term improvement in the skin, encouraging rejuvenated, healthier skin.

How can I find out which peel is right for me?

Depending on the particular reason the peel is required along with your desired outcome, your practitioner will recommend which type of peel is best for your specific needs.

You can book online for an initial, free consultation to discuss your treatment, call us or email