With a passion for aesthetics and incredible eye for detail, Emma provides rejuvenation and laser treatments at our Huntingdon clinic.
Qualifications and experience
Emma originally trained as permanent makeup artist in 2019. Since then, she has attended advanced training courses to add new techniques to her skillset, such as a Level 4 Certificate in Micropigmentation.
Working closely with our senior aesthetician, Dan Whitfield, Emma is continuing to expand her portfolio of treatments to include laser hair removal, CACI and Potenza RF microneedling.
Specialist areas of interest
Thanks to her work as a permanent makeup artist, Emma has an incredible eye for detail, which she puts to excellent use in her aesthetic treatments.
Her passion for rejuvenation and healthy skin ensures that her patients leave our clinic feeling refreshed and looking fabulous.
Treatments EMMA offers
Emma provides the following treatments:
Rejuvenation and skincare
Laser treatments
Emma’s patients
Where to see EMMA
Emma treats patients at our Huntingdon clinic.
Book an appointment
Call us on 0330 024 1300 or book online to make an appointment with Emma.